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2021 Gold AJ with USail Bermuda


The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award in Bermuda (the Award) would like to congratulate the 2021 Gold level participants on completing an exciting water-based Adventurous Journey (AJ) with USail Bermuda. This year’s AJ took place September 3rd - 6th, 2021 in and around Castle Harbor, Coney Island and Ferry Reach. Thanks to the generous support from the 100 Women in Finance (100WF), the AJ was provided at a subsidised rate ensuring it is accessible to all who wished to participate. Participants sailed, windsurfed, kayaked and paddle boarded as their modes of transport to complete their purposes – demonstrating skills learned, exploring, recording and observing for their final report. The Gold Residential Project this year, was a partnership with Bailey's Bay Cricket Club and the participants have been assisting the club with several community development initiatives.

2021 Gold Award Participants (pictured above left to right)

Jelani Simmons

Yari Tucker

Tommy Marshall

Aaron White

Maximillian Santiago

Joanna Santiago

Brianna Smith

Richard Johnston

Trey Vance

Enshe-Nico Davis

Award Leaders

Karen Simmons

Fiona Holmes

Jenni Simpson

Lisa Brewster

K’ari Bean

Bryana Bell

Brianna Simmons

Jevon Talbot

Treiana Zuill

Programme Director of the Award, Karen Simmons said, “We are pleased to partner with USail Bermuda, an Approved Activity Provider of the Award, to be able to provide a water-based Adventurous Journey for our Gold Award participants. Quite a few of the participants had previous sailing experience, however, windsurfing was a challenging new skill for them to learn. I thank USail for continuing to partner with the Award to offer local Adventurous Journey options. The Award is all about providing new learning experiences, new challenges and being accessible to as many young people as possible.

In addition to the water-based training with USail, the Gold Award participants have been engaging in a hybrid training programme which combined online learning with practical training. Participants have been completing virtual Adventurous Journey (AJ) training with Peak Performance Solutions and engaging in the St. John’s Ambulance DofE Online First Aid Training Programme. Participants have also been taking part in cultural exploration activities, night navigation exercises and virtual charity walks and challenges, including the Award’s Challenge100 and the 2nd Annual Rolling with Windreach. These challenges encouraged participants to continue their physical fitness activity and raise money and awareness for local causes. As a team building and communications exercise, the Gold Award group took part in a virtual Escape Room activity with Locked On the Rock. They had to work together to decipher codes and unlock the challenge.”

Chair of the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award, Jovanna Douglas, stated, “On behalf of the Award Council, I would like to thank the 100 Women in Finance (100WF) who provided scholarships to each participant to help offset the cost of training and equipment rental for their AJ. The 100WF Bermuda Summer Sunset Gala is taking place on Friday 24th September, 7pm The Coral Beach and Tennis Club, Longtail Terrace. For more information, sponsorship opportunities or to purchase tickets, please email

Jovanna Douglas concluded by saying, “I would also like to thank our long-standing supporters, Argo, Axis, Argus, Edmund Gibbons Limited, Butterfield and Vallis, the Centennial Foundation, Axa XL Foundation, Chubb, Butterfield Bank, the Bermuda Community Foundation, Conyers and Markel Catco. Thanks again for helping us make a difference in the lives of many young people as they strive to be #worldready. If you are interested in getting involved in the programme or would like to donate, please email or call 737-8959.”

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